Biodigenous Consulting Ltd.

Biological Assessments:
Offering a broad range of biological consulting services including, but not limited to:
Wildlife Surveys (breeding birds, amphibians, reptiles, bats, and invasive species)
Vegetation Surveys
Species-at-risk and Ecosystems-at-risk Surveys
Habitat Suitability Models
GIS and Data Services:
Offering a broad range of GIS and data analytical services including, but not limited to:
Biodiversity Mapping
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping & Ecosystem Classification
Environmentally Sensitive Area Mapping
Environmental Setback Assessments
Species Distribution Modelling
Data Management & Analysis

Research and Project Support:
Offering a broad range of research support services, including, but not limited to:
Technical Report Writing
Literature Reviews
Project Management
Database Creation and Management
Consultation and Engagement Support